fix errors when playing the Call of duty legend game APK

 One game is indeed much sought after by fans of the game, who does not know the Call Of Duty Legend War, but do you know friends, There is a problem when opening the game.

  Among them when opened, immediately exit the application. And the words "application not supported" appear and not only that there are also those who say the application after opening a long loading, the admin will try to share ways to resolve problems when opening the Call Of Duty Legend War game. .For the first step, follow the instructions below
  1. Make sure your Smartphone's specifications are fulfilling the requirements to play the Call Of Duty Legend War game, to play the game you need an Android specification that uses OS 4 and above
  2. For smooth playing of the game, try to see what GPU you used first from Android, to find out you can just do Googling.
  3. For RAM or (Random Access Memory) we also need to pay attention, because to store temporary data when running the game Call of Duty in OBB + DATA reaches 1 GB more, so for your Smartphone RAM also affects in playing the game
So friends who can share admin about playing the game Call of Duty Legend War is problematic, or not smooth when it will be used, hopefully useful.
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